Tuesday, February 21, 2012

post 19 of 30: the box

so last weekend i found myself rearranging the living room for a large addition.  anticipatng what was to come and fill this giant blank spot.....

 no, not a new sofa, I WISH!
no, not more toys.  she definitely DOES NOT need more toys!

well there you have it, in all of its beauty.  we took the plunge.  we have been living about as far off the grid as it gets for us without a TV since July and we gave in.  we could not pass up the deal we got on this TV and we were sick and tired of trying to watch things on our cell phones. 
(do not mind all of the leg that my hubby is showing)  :)
i never knew getting ready in the mornings could be SO easy.
normally i am running around like a crazy person and wren is crying cause she wants me to play with her.  it makes for a frazzled morning and sometimes a late one.  well this momma has got a time clock to punch!  thankfully now i just throw in a dvd and she plays with her toys and dances while she watches it. she still comes crawling for me a couple of times but nothing like before.  i think it is a lot better for both of us. 
i would never tvsit my daughter but this works for the 15 or 20 minutes i need it a day so i can shower and get dressed!

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