Saturday, November 20, 2010

Alternative Christmas Trees

Well as the holidays are rapidly approaching, it is time to prepare yourself and your home for the festivities.  Every year, my husband and I head to our friends tree farm and pick out our beautiful tree for the year.  He cuts it down, we load it up in the back of the truck and drive it home, and I am up into the wee hours of the night decorating.  We usually do this on Black Friday because everyone else is out shopping, so the tree farm is usually not that busy.  I then spend the rest of the weekend hanging wreaths and decorating tables while my husband puts out the christmas lights.  That is all accompanied with wine and christmas carols:)  Well this year, things will be a little different as my husband and I just recently moved back to where we grew up.  The town is ironically named Santa Claus:)  We are living in my Mom's basement, not the ideal situtation, but it will do for now until our house sells.  So being that we are in the basement I do not feel that our traditional Christmas Tree is really necessary, however I LOVE CHRISTMAS and want to have some type of tree and decorations.  So I am on the hunt for an alternative tree.  Here are some ideas.......

Happy Holidays!

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